Friday, June 22, 2012

Freeing Dignity: Chapter 2

The ride in the squad car wasn't so pleasant. I wasn't allowed to speak my mind inside of the car, so the only way I could speak was in my mind, and the only person I could speak to was myself. The officer had told me to be quiet the entire way or else he'd pull over and call the judge and tell him to sentence me to life in Banland. So, I remained quiet. I was only allowed to talk whenever the officer told me to. I looked out the window of the squad car and saw the city I had lived in my entire life. How beautiful the sights were, the tall skyscrapers, the small businesses, large businesses also. Sunset was the perfect time to see the city, it looked amazing. The officer had told me that this ride was going to be more than a six hour long trip. He told me if I wanted water or food, that I had to mumble. I wasn't hungry nor thirsty, maybe because I had just ate a few hours ago. My hands were handcuffed, so I couldn't escape. But, he had locked the doors of the car anyway. He said, if I somehow opened that door, he'd shoot me down. I remained still. "You're a very quiet person, Jono. Oh wait, I have you silenced, ha!" said the officer to me. I had almost burst in anger, but I remained calm. I knew if I had been mad, I would've been sentenced for a longer time. We had finally passed the city I had grown up in, I'm going to miss that city. We finally hit the desert, where a war was going on between two groups, the names of those groups were unknown. It had finally become nighttime, it was really dark in the car. The desert air was hot, so was the car. I was sweating a lot, my sweat was as if heavy rain was in the forecast. He turned on the air conditioning, closed the window which allowed me and him to communicate. The cold air wasn't coming into the back seat because he had blocked off the cold air from coming into the back, I knew, I wasn't going to have a pleasant ride.

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